Our CAD/CAM Blanks
Our DentalPlus Blanks
Als Vorreiter in der Herstellung von Hochleistungspolymeren bieten wir CAD/CAM-Blanks mit hervorragender Biokompatibilität und außergewöhnlicher Leistung an.
Our products
Dentalos Plus®: Dentalos Plus® is a highly fracture-resistant high-performance polymer (PMMA) for the fabrication of, among other things, crowns and bridges as well as inlays and onlays with a permanent character. Dentalos Plus® Blanks are available in the following designs: Dentalos Plus® Multicolor and Dentalos Plus® Mono.
Polyan Plus®: Polyan Plus® ist ein weiteres hochbruchfestes Hochleistungspolymer (PMMA), das sich hervorragend zur Herstellung von u.a. Teil- / Totalprothesen, Modelguss, Klammertechnik und Schienepermanentem Charakter eignet. Die Polyan Plus® sind derzeit in der Farbe rosa, rosa opal, und glasklar lieferbar.
Flexistrong Plus®: Flexistrong Plus® is a flexible high-performance polymer suitable for splints, model casting, telescopic dentures and implant technology, among others. The Flexistrong Plus® Blank is currently available in pink, A2, A3.5 and natural.
Quality that convinces
The high quality of our products speaks for itself. Our top-quality high-performance resins open up new horizons for you in the field of dental restorations. Convince yourself of the superior performance and durability of our DentalPlusBlanks.